A short history of Yorkshire Tea & Cricket
Our affiliation with cricket goes way back, here are a few of the highlights from back in the day…

A village cricket match is introduced onto the Yorkshire Tea box for the first time (it’s still there today!)

Taylors’ cricket team play in the first of many charity cricket matches, raising £264 for a local school (the team still exists today, too!)

A ladies’ cricket match features in a Yorkshire Tea TV advert that airs during a break in Coronation Street.

We start working with a local school to improve their cricket facilities, including brand new nets.

We celebrate an official partnership with Yorkshire CCC and welcome Yorkshire players, including Michael Vaughan, to Taylors HQ for a tea tasting.

We celebrate Yorkshire Day by giving out tea at Headingley and allowing all children to attend the test match for free.

The ‘Pavilion Packs’ we send out to village cricket clubs are now an annual tradition with over 750 clubs all over the country receiving tea.

Little Urn journeys to America visiting a cricket match in Miami for Yorkshire expat John Thick.

We become the Official Brew of England Cricket, a partnership that lasts for a further 6 years. We launch our ‘Everything Stops for Tea’ TV advert and ‘Great Cricket Tea Challenge’ competition

Alongside our England sponsorship, we partner with grassroots cricket charity Chance to Shine to run the annual celebration of cricket, National Cricket Week, with schools and community groups across England and Wales.

Our resident cricket team journeys to Rwanda to visit the country’s first cricket stadium, supported by Yorkshire Tea.

We celebrate 5 years of partnership with cricket charity Chance to Shine.